Sunday, May 31, 2015

This Sunday's Sunday Sophisticant is....Quetta Gaitor


My name is Quetta, mother of 1 little human, Mason George. I work in the hospitality industry as a Guest Services Manager. My hobbies are traveling, cooking, and I have recently started to plant my own herb garden (I hope it turns out great).

How long have you been NATURAL?

I've been natural for 9 yrs. I guess I'm what you would consider me an "accidental" natural. I didn't go natural after a dramatic event in my life or try to get noticed. I had cut my hair, and I saw that I liked the way my hair curled after I washed it. I liked my curl pattern! Needless to say, I just stopped getting relaxers.

What is your hair REGIMEN & STAPLE products?

My hair is tightly-coiled S-pattern. My hair regimen includes shea butter, coconut oil and essentials oils. I just KISS (Keep It Simple Sweetie). A healthy diet is key to healthy hair. Lots of vegetables, fruit and water. I normally take Biotin 5000mcg once a day. 

DO’S & DON’TS of the NATURAL journey:

Do Cleanse, Moisturize and Protect your hair.
Don't give up on being natural.
Don't coat your hair with too many products.
Don't be negative about your hair. 


The best tip I can give you is that no one can tell you the best product to use on your hair or how much. You've been living with your hair for how long?  It's a process that you and your hair have to do. Don't give up because you don't have the big fro, but you have the best two strand twist ever seen! Stay encouraged with your hair journey. I know I have in these 9 years, and I’m looking forward to the next 9 years.

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